The Philadelphia VAMC was renamed after Corporal Crescenz, a member of the 196th, and a Medal of Honor recipient.

Crescenz VA Medical Center
3900 Woodland Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Link to information about Michael Crescenz (external website has not been recently updated)


Photos from the Reunion will be posted.

If you have photos to share, please send them to the Editor (on disk) in the highest resolution possible.


196th Ring prices have gone up as of February 1, 2016.


196th Soldier, Specialist Four Donald Sloat received the Medal of Honor (LINK)


Active 196th has a new Commander, COL Scott Mitchell

Active 196th has a new Cmd Sergeant Major
CSM Christopher Johnson


The Second-year Yearbook (1967) is now on-line; HERE

Due to SPAMMERS trying to access the FORUM, all new forum members must request registration by sending an e-mail to the 196th Editor, and include a chosen log-in ID and Password. You will get an e-mail when your Forum membership is validated.

Clair Button has created a website for Recon 3/21. It contains a Google Earth file with the major locations of actions, etc for the Summer Offensive 1969 (Click Here)

Bio of Colonel Charles P. Murray, Jr., Aug. 2011 - Medal of Honor recipient, and 196th XO, 1965-1966

Vietnam Topographical Maps on-line: CLICK HERE


3/21 Gimlet Association 21st Infantry
C-3/21 Website (The Charlie Tigers)
31st U. S. Infantry Regiment Association

Letter asking for donations for the 31st Inf Memorial Monument at the Infantry Museum (Ft. Benning)

C Company, 2nd Batallion, 1st Infantry - Website
175th Engineers - Website
F-Troop 17th Cav - Website


Association Officers
Dave Eichhorn, President
Mike Timmerman, Vice-President

Appointed Officers:
Ken Wright, Treasurer
Warren Neill, Secretary

Rev. Ed Griffin

Richard "Doc" Mosher

Ken McKenzie, Newsletter Editor and Webmaster

We have received reports that members have received e-mail containing virus' from officers of the Association. Please be aware that virus' often steal e-mail addresses from sites such as this and use them to fool you into accepting an attachment from someone you believe to be a trusted source. Any correspondence you receive from us should contain a SUBJECT and a TEXT MESSAGE. Do not open attachments to e-mail from ANYONE unless there is some explanation of the content of the attachment, and you understand why it was sent to you.


For information on the 196th Light Infantry Brigade Association please contact:
Dave Eichhorn, President
196th Light Infantry Brigade Association
328 Deming Rd.
Fleming, OH 45729-5019
E-mail: President196"at"196th.org


Contact Webmaster
©2001 196th Light Infantry Brigade Association