The 196th Light Infantry Brigade Association publishes a newsletter twice a year. The newsletter contains membership application information and; news, requests for information, and stories submitted by the members.

We are always looking for additional content and photos. Anyone submitting photos should send high quality copies by mail, or high resolution electronic copies by e-mail. The format can be .jpg, .tif, .pcx, or any other format supported by Adobe Photoshop. High quality copies can be made at any copy center that has good color copying capability.

Articles submitted can be e-mailed to the Editor, Ken McKenzie. (Editor196"at"196th.org) or mailed to:

Ken McKenzie, Editor
196th Light Infantry Brigade Association
PO Box 84
Eaton, NH 03832

Take a look at a past newsletter. It is in Adobe Acrobat and takes a little while to load as it is a fairly large file. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader it may be downloaded for free from the Adobe website.

September 2000 Newsletter: Click here to view (Adobe Acrobat, 4.9 Meg)
December 2001 Newsletter: Click here to view (Adobe Acrobat, 6 Meg)
December 2002 Newsletter: Click here to view (Adobe Acrobat, 1.76 Meg)
March 2004 Newsletter: Click here to view (Adobe Acrobat, 1.22 Meg)
December 2004 Newsletter: Click here to view (Adobe Acrobat 1.3 Meg) Cover pages deleted to make file smaller
July 2006 Newsletter: Click here to view (Adobe Acrobat 3.7 Meg)
January 2007 Newsletter: Click here to view (Adobe Acrobat 831 KB)
December 2008 Newsletter Click here to view (Adobe Acrobat 1.01 Meg)
December 2010 Newsletter: Click here to view (Adobe Acrobat 1.3 Meg )
July 2012 Newsletter: Click her to view (Adobe Acrobat 2.57 Meg)
April 2014 Newsletter: Click here to view (Adobe Acrobat 1.16 Meg)


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©2001 196th Light Infantry Brigade Association