196th REUNION 2025
Pittsburg, PA
July 24-27, 2025
The GUESTBOOK tab on the left of the screen is "broken".
You can get to the GUESTBOOK by clicking HERE.
The 196th Association merchandise is now available through Rich "Doc" Mosher and a list is available HERE.
For those of you that may not know Rich, he's a 196th member and he MC's DJ's and runs the store at our reunions..
Active 196th has a new Cmd Sergeant Major
CSM Evan Lewandowski
Items of Interest
Interview with Neil Hannan highlighting his humanitarian program and his trips back to Vietnam: YouTube
The Second-year Yearbook (1967) is now on-line; HERE
The 1971 Yearbook is now available; HERE
Due to our Internet provider moving us to a new server, we have been unable to get the FORUM working properly.
The FORUM software company went out of business, so most likely we will be unable to fix it.
Clair Button has created a website for Recon 3/21.
It contains a Google Earth file with the major locations of actions, etc for the Summer Offensive 1969 (Click Here)
Vietnam Topographical Maps on-line: CLICK HERE
Association Officers
Mike Timmerman, President
Don DeGain, Vice-President
Appointed Officers:
Dave Eichhorn, Secretary/Treasurer
David Carroll
Richard "Doc" Mosher
Ken McKenzie, Webmaster
Gary Noller, Editor
We have received reports that members have received e-mail containing virus'
from officers of the Association.
Please be aware that virus' often steal
e-mail addresses from sites such as this and use them to fool you
into accepting
an attachment from someone you believe to be a trusted source. Any correspondence
you receive from us should contain a SUBJECT and a TEXT MESSAGE.
Do not
open attachments to e-mail from ANYONE unless there is some explanation
of the content of the attachment, and you understand why it was sent to
For information on the 196th Light Infantry Brigade Association please contact:
Mike Timmerman, President
196th Light Infantry Brigade Association
1114 Buck Ridge Rd
Bushkill, PA 18324
(201) 206-7430
E-mail: President196"at"196th.org